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The plastics industry is undergoing a worldwide transformation process that seeks to offer quality products, adapted to the needs of consumers but that are environmentally friendly by providing solutions such as the use of recycled material.

The problem with plastics lies not in their nature but in how the waste is managed and what is done with the plastic once it has served its purpose. The best solution: recovery of 100% of the plastic used so that it can be treated and recycled: in other words, it can be reused as raw material in the manufacture of new products. In this way, we not only prevent plastics from staining our fields, oceans and cities, but also reduce the consumption of the raw materials necessary for their production, such as petroleum, while reducing energy consumption.

At ABC Rotomolding We have been using recycled material for more than 10 years to cover a part of our production, but we want to go one step further and not only increase the percentage of recycled material we use in our production but we want to offer our customers the guarantee that their product has been manufactured with 100% recycled material by using the brand – PURE RECYCLED.

In this way, both manufacturers and consumers can collaborate in promoting the use of recycled material and help to ensure that even more tons of plastic are recycled for subsequent reprocessing.


With your help we will achieve a better tomorrow for everyone.


ABC Rotomolding: committed to our future

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