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ABC Rotomolding was the first company in the sector to obtain the Lean Manufacturing certification and, as we are pioneers, we lead the progress and industrial advancement of rotomolding, supported by our proposal of materials to meet the challenges of ecological transition and eco-design, developing a complete transformation around recycling.

We have now expanded the scope of our ISO 18404 Lean Manufacturing certification, with certification in the techniques: 

– JIT (Just in time): process that allows us to be more agile, improving the response to meet customer needs in a shorter period.

5S:  elimination of waste to achieve greater stability in the production process.

– Standardization or Standardizing as many workstations as operations allowing to guarantee quality and delivery times.

– Statistical Process Control:   to better understand our production processes, helping us to reduce scrap and optimizing the time and use of raw materials.

– 8D:allows us to make an exhaustive and complete study of quality incidents, analyzing all factors, finding solutions and implementing them in our production processes.

– Ishikawa or Method of analysis of the cause/root of quality deviations that allows us to avoid their repetition.

This expansion reflects our drive towards operational excellence with the objective of ensuring customer satisfaction.

Download our ISO 18404 certificate here:

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